Security Awareness

This training is an annual mandatory compliance training program that supports compliance requirements related to security education controls of the commercial, regional, global and international audit frameworks. It creates awareness to help learners identify security threats and further instructs learners on how to report identified threats using the Security Reporting Portal. This training is mandatory for all Amazon Blue, Yellow, and Green badge employees, and selected subsidiaries with access to the company’s information systems.


    • Type: Custom eLearning Development

    • Date: June 2023


    • Articulate Storyline

    • Adobe Illustrator


    • Instructional Design

    • eLearning Design

    • Graphic Design

It localizes into 13 languages, including American Sign Language (ASL).

Three different learning paths to choose:

  1. eLearning

  2. Text Transcript

  3. Test Out

eLearning Path

Text Transcript Path

Test Out Path

eLearning Path - Welcome

eLearning Path - User Tutorials

eLearning Path - Content & Customized Quiz

eLearning Path - Completion

Test Out Path

American Sign Language (ASL) Version